Centre for Innovation and LUMC win Surfnet Innovation Challenge
The Leiden University Centre for Innovation and the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) have won the Surfnet Innovation Challenge. The team won the prize with an experiment to link a virtual 3D anatomical model to a living human body.
Learning from your own body
What could be the significance of ‘mixed reality’ (a blend of virtual reality and real-life existing things) for medical teaching? Huge, according to a team from the Centre for Innovation / LUMC that took part in the Surfnet Innovation Challenge 2016 / 2017. They developed an experiment whereby a virtual anatomical model is displayed next to a real human body. This allows medical students to learn from their own physical movements, while at the same time studying the virtual anatomical version of the body. This method of learning is made possible with the Microsoft HoloLens-technology.
Promoting innovative teaching
The team won the Surfnet Innovation Challenge 2016/ 2017 with their plan. SURF is an ICT teaching and research collaboration in the Netherlands. Their aim of the annual Innovation Challenge is to stimulate innovation in teaching. The best experiments each net a prize of 20,000 euros.
Learning effects to be studied
The experiment is a partnership between the New Media Lab at the Centre for Innovation and the department of Anatomy and Embryology (ANA) and Center for Innovation of Medical Education at the LUMC. Dr Beerend Hierck of the LUMC and of the Leiden Teachers Academy, will study the learning effects of the experiment. The experiment will be developed further from December 2016 and the results of the study will be published in June 2017.