Leiden honorary medal for LiS
The Leidse Instrumentenmakers School (LiS) has received the Leiden erepenning—an honorary medal that is awarded each year during the celebration of the Leids Ontzet to a person or institute that has done a great service to the city of Leiden.
LiS is a professional school for students who learn to design and create precision instruments for science and industry. The school was founded 115 years ago by Leiden physicist and Nobel laureate Heike Kamerlingh Onnes. It still has close connections to the Leiden Institute of Physics. Many graduates work at its department of fine mechanics and Prof. Peter Kes and Dr. Hans Brom are LiS board members.
Since 1997 LiS has had its own building at the Bio Science Park next to the faculty of science. It was elected the best professional school in The Netherlands in 2013 by the Selection Guide MBO. For the past several years, the number of LiS students kept increasing, making it necessary to expand the school. This expansion completed this year, with support of Stichting Utopa, the ministry of OCW, Leiden municipality and Leiden University.