2017 24-hour Political Science Conference in Leiden
From 1 to 2 June 2017 Leiden University hosts the annual 24-hour Political Science Conference (‘Politicologenetmaal’). This event will bring together political scientists and practitioners from Flanders and The Netherlands, who will participate in several workshops to discuss subjects like elections, political justice, and local democracy.
The Conference’s key note speaker is Donatella della Porta, an expert on social movements and terrorist organisations, affiliated with the European University Institute in Florence.
Another highlight on the agenda is the prize award ceremony for the best MA thesis and the most accomplished PhD dissertation.
The 2017 edition is organised jointly by Leiden University’s Institute of Political Science and the Dutch and Flemish political science associations Nederlandse Kring voor de Wetenschap der Politiek (NKWP) and Vereniging voor Politieke Wetenschappen (VPW).
A call for workshops has been issued (deadline 10 December 2016). Invitations to the workshops will follow. Master’s students will be given access at a reduced tariff; they will also be granted the opportunity to do a poster presentation of their thesis.
The 24-hour Political Science Conference will be held at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (Wassenaarseweg 52) and Scheltema (Marktsteeg 1) in Leiden.
Further information can be obtained from Hans Vollaard, via e-mail politicologenetmaal2017@fsw.leidenuniv.nl.