Start working on your career now
It's never too early for students to be smart about preparing for the job market. This year Leiden University is launching new initiatives to improve the transition from university to work. The new awareness campaign - CareerTime - is starting on 29 September with career stands at the faculties.
Transition to the job market
This academic year will see the start of many new job market facilities: monthly career stands at the faculties, an extensive mentor network of alumni and a new website with tests and tips on job applications. 'We want to make students aware that they can already start preparing for their transition to the job market,' says Nieke Campagne, project leader for employability at Career Services at Leiden University. The job market today is complex and starters are expected to have professional skills as well as academic knowledge. Acquiring these skills is something they can work on while they are still studying.
Career stands at the faculties
CareerTime kicks off on 29 September. The pop-up stands at the faculties are there for students to ask any questions they may have: How can I make sure that my CV stands out and how can I gain practical experience? Campagne: ‘Together, all the career advisers have a lot of expertise and CareerTime is a way of making it more visible.'
Mentor network
A good network can also work wonders to give a flying start to your career. With that in mind, from October this academic year students can rely on hundreds of mentors via the university website: mentornetwerk.universiteitleiden.nl. Almost 800 alumni from a wide range of fields of study are prepared to offer advice. Campagne: ‘It is great that so many alumni have signed up. They can give students tips based on their own practical experience.'
LUCareerzone updated
In the course of the coming year the LUCareerzone.com website will be updated to include job application tips, career aptitude tests and information about the job market. More attention will also be paid in the study programmes to such aspects as entrepreneurship and ‘21st century skills’: these are the skills that match the requirements of today's job market, such as how to present yourself via social media and working in an international team. And, of course, the Career Services at the different faculties and in Plexus are open five days a week to advise students on career issues. Campagne: ‘My message to students is, it's your career but the University is also making time for it!’