Leiden scientists during Night of Arts and Science
Many Leiden scientists will be taking part in the Night of Arts and Science on 17 September. Find out what's on for English speakers.
Night-time lectures by leading scientists
On Saturday 17 September Leiden will be the setting for the Night of Arts and Science, with an amazing mix of science, theatre, music and art. Leiden University is closely involved in the organisation and University locations such as the Hortus Botanicus are opening their doors that evening. Many Leiden professors and researchers will also be taking part.
English activities
Although many of the lectures are in Dutch, most parts of the programme are perfectly suitable for non-Dutch speakers. You can listen to talks by Jacob van Rijndorp, for example, on 'How my emotions were stolen by the machine', or hear what Mark Lewis has to say about 'The addicted Mind. Or why we like drugs'. Not to mention the music and art events. Check out the programme for what's on in English.