The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mance, Justice of UK Supreme Court, delivered Europa Lecture
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mance, Judge at the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom delivered the Europa Lecture on 29th September 2016 in the Grand Auditorium of the Academy Building at Leiden University. The lecture was entitled: “Jurisdiction, judgments and proper law relating to states outside the Brussels and Rome regimes”.
Stefaan Van den Bogaert, Professor of European Law and Director of the Europa Institute that is organising the Europa Lecture: “We are honoured that a distinguished Judge at the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom was willing to give a lecture in this political turbulent time about such a laden and complex issue.”

Biography Lord Mance
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mance has a long and distinguished career in law. Since graduating from University College, Oxford, Lord Mance has worked as a QC (Queen’s Counsel), also as a Judge at the High Court, Court of Appeal and UK Supreme Court. He has also represented the United Kingdom on the Council of Europe's Consultative Council of European Judges and he worked for the House of Lords European Union Select Committee, scrutinizing proposals concerning European law and institutions. Most recently, Lord Mance chairs the Executive Council of the International Law Association and the Lord Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Private International Law.
Europa Lecture
The Europa Institute at Leiden University is celebrating the first lustrum of the Europa Lecture. Van den Bogaert: “After having focused on the political and administrative power we have now arrived at the judiciary power. We are delighted that for the 5th time in a row a key speaker in the area is willing to address an important Europe-related issue in the Europa Lecture.” Previous speakers were (in chronological order): Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine; Herman Van Rompuy, former Chairman of the European Council; Alexander Italianer, Secretary-General of the European Commission, and Radosław Sikorski, former Minister of Foreign Affairs in Poland.
The 5th Europa Lecture was organised in cooperation with the Institute of Anglo-American Law.
Europa Institute
More information about the Europa Institute.