Welcome 2017/2018 students!
A warm welcome to the students of the Master’s Programme in European Law starting in September 2017. Below you will find important information concerning the start of the new term.
Orientation week
An Orientation Week will be organised for all international students arriving in Leiden. It will take place from Monday 28 August – Friday 1 September 2017.
First class
Classes will start on Monday 4 September 2017. You are expected for your first class (Institutional Law and General Principles of EU Law) from 13:00-15:00 in Room A051 of the Kamerlingh Onnes Building (KOG), the Law School’s main building.

New kids on the Block: Opening Lecture
We are very pleased to announce that Dr. Mendeltje van Keulen, parliamentary EU advisor and visiting professor for EU affairs, will officially open the LL.M. Programme with a leacture 'New kids on the Block - on the role of national parliaments in the European Union.' The opening will take place on Tuesday 12 September, from 15:00-17:00hrs in KOG A144 and will be followed by a reception.
Registration on Blackboard
Throughout the year we will be using the Law School’s electronic learning environment Blackboard. Current Leiden students will already have their UCLN user name and log-in details. New students will receive their details at the address they indicated in their application.
As soon as you have received your UCLN user name and login, log in on Blackboard and enroll for the LL.M’s general Blackboard environment (LLM European Law 1718). Here you will find further, more detailed information.
Department Registration Form
We would like to get as clear a picture of the number and profiles of our students as early as possible, so we can tailor our programme to their specific needs. Please fill in in the department registration form as soon as possible. Note that this form is for internal purposes only and is separate from your official registration at the university. All information is treated confidentially.