The new studying
Earlier a few pictures of the new Wijnhaven complex under construction were posted. But what are the changes for the students who will find their home base here, from 2017 on?
First of all, the new building will offer more possibilities for lectures. There will be two auditoriums, one with 312 and one with 548 seats, three smaller lecture halls: 140, 90 and 50 seats; 19 workgroup rooms (25/28 seats) and 3 computer instruction rooms (32/32/42 seats).
Besides, project rooms will be realised, that will be mainly in use for the Inspiration Lab of the Centre for Innovation, but students can also use them for working on a project for a longer time.
Active learning can be done in the so-called ‘Active Learning Room’. This Active Learning Room has 4 round tables with 7 chairs in the centre of the room, with three screens around them for projections. No student will be in the back of the classroom. This way, students do more than just listen. They can write, discuss and reflect. The teacher facilitates and gives feedback.
Another new facility are the so-called train compartments: in the niches, supplied with power sockets students may work with their own device. Those who prefer a fixed computer can use a computer instruction room. These rooms are only sometimes used for computer instruction, so they may very well be used for studying.
For the study associations, a separate pavilion will be made, as you can see on the photo. The three bachelor programmes (Public Administration, International Studies and Security Studies) will each get their own reception room and several working places on the upper floor. In front of the pavilion there will be a terrace where students can meet.
The library in the Wijnhaven Complex will be a pleasant and spacious place for studying. There will be a small collection of reference books in the library, and lockers to pick up and return books. Just like it is in the Schouwburgstraat now. With respect to study facilities: 44 study places with fixed computers, 100 ‘bring your own device’/ silent study places. Besides there will be 4 cooperation rooms with smart boards.
In all, there will be 350 silent study places (of which 150 with a fixed computer) and 300 so-called open communication study places (where in fact you can also study in silence, it is just that ‘being quiet’ is not compulsory there). Moreover you will find 180 seats in the restaurant and the lounge. There are approx. 90 places to sit on the tribune stairs. In the inner garden students may relax on one of the 350 sun/study places, lying on the grass or sitting on one of the chairs on the terrace.
In short: there will be plenty of study places and study facilities.