Looking back at the LACDR Spring Symposium 2016
Tuesday May 24th, the LACDR Annual Spring Symposium was held.
Host of the day, Thomas Hankemeier, led us through a range of presentations and introductions. Foremost introducing Cornelia van Duijn, who will be appointed as new Medical Delta Professor and who will join the Division of Analytical BioSciences. Together with Thomas
she will work to realize the Metabolic Phenome Centre.
- Read more about the seven new Medical Delta professors that will be installed in dual appointments at June 21st in Delft>>
Dr. Marcel Kenter, of 'Paul Janssen Futurelab Leiden' was invited for the closing presentation of the Spring symposium. In addition to the impressive scientific presentations, he introduced us to a new international education programme: A master education program for Biomedical researchers with an entrepreneurial spirit. Because education certainly does not stop after graduation: Education is also a process of a life long learning.
Winners of the LACDR Spring Symposium 2016:
The LACDR Spring Sympsium also the moment where the audience is asked to rank the oral presentations and the posters for each group. Below are the winners of the LACDR Spring Symposium 2016. Congratulations to all!
The prize for best oral presentation was awarded to Jantine Brussee, of the section Pharmacology:

The winners of this year's poster awards:
Cluster Bio Therapeutics:

Cluster Drug & Target Discovery:

Cluster Systems Pharmacology: