Upcoming PhD public defence, exhibitions, concerts, record/film/artwork launches and lectures
Public Defence by Jaap Brouwer and activities of prof. Marcel Cobussen PhD, Dick de Graaf, Nizar Rohana, Brigitte Kovacs, Lilo Nein, Danne Ojeda, Hans Kalliwoda, Frank Blokland, and Thalia Hoffman
Jaap Brouwer
ACPA researcher Jaap Brouwer will publicly defend his thesis 'Johan van Meurs: a study on a pioneering organ advisor'.
- 8 June 2016, 11.15 hrs - Academy Building, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
Marcel Cobussen

ACPA prof. Marcel Cobussen PhD will be a keynote speaker at the Sound, Ethics, Art, and Morality conference at the Art History Department of Tel Aviv University. Cobussen will talk about the question what music can contribute to current debates on ethics as well as to concrete moral behavior. Focus of the lecture will be on discussing how improvisation in music affects specific human actions, reactions, and interactions and, thereby, moral behavior.
- 29-30 May 2016 - Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Dick de Graaf
docARTES researcher Dick de Graaf is one of the soloists with the Syrian Big Band Codarts Union, performing at Korzo Theatre, The Hague, and Bimhuis, Amsterdam.
- 30 April 2016, 15.00 hrs - Korzo Theatre, The Hague, The Netherlands
- 1 May 2016, 20.30 hrs - Bimhuis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dick de Graaf will be featured with the Jasper van ’t Hof Quartet at Theater Bouwkunde, Deventer, playing the programme No Hard Shoulder.
- 13 May 2016, 20.30 hrs - Theater Bouwkunde, Deventer, The Netherlands
Dick de Graaf will present his compositions influenced by the works of Béla Bartók, Olivier Messiaen and Peter Schat with his Dick de Graaf Quartet at TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht.
- 20 May 2016, 21.00 hrs - TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Nizar Rohana

docARTES researcher Nizar Rohana has released his second album Furāt (Euphrates). The music for the album was composed by Rohana and is performed by his trio comprising himself on oud, Matyas Szandai on double bass and Wassim Halal on percussion. It can be purchased through cdbaby, or streamed through Deezer, Spotify, or iTunes.
Brigitte Kovacs

For the exhibition WALK IN, PhDArts researcher Brigitte Kovacs, in cooperation with designer Markus Vogler, created a space-filling text installation, which features the experience of an imaginary walk through the exhibition space.
- 8 April – 15 May 2016 - Kunsthalle Linz, Linz, Austria
Lilo Nein
PhDArts researcher Lilo Nein speaks at the conference ‘Überreste. Strategien des Bleibens in den darstellenden Künsten’ (‘Vestiges and Remnants, Strategies of Remaining in the Performing Arts’).
28-30 April 2016 - Sofiensaele, Berlin, Germany
Danne Ojeda

PhDArts researcher Danne Ojeda's work is featured in World’s Best Communication Design and Highlights from NRW at the Red Dot Design Museum, Essen. The show presents the winning entries of 2015 Red Dot Award: Communication Design, where PhDArts researcher Danne Ojeda's exhibition design 'B.O.O.K. Basic Object of Knowledge: The Contemporary Book and its Model' was awarded in the Spatial Design category.
- 17 March – 29 May 2016 - Red Dot Design Museum, Essen, Germany
The Red Dot on Tour exhibition Design auf dem Podest, shows Danne Ojeda's 'B.O.O.K. Basic Object of Knowledge: The Contemporary Book and its Model' in Basel.
- 01 April - 19 June 2016 - Basel School of Design, Basel, Switzerland; Galerie Graf & Schelble, Basel, Switzerland
Hans Kalliwoda

In the intervention project 'Future Pollination Lab', PhDArts researcher Hans Kalliwoda conducts an interdisciplinary experimentation programme aiming to develop biotopes for pollinators in inner-city neighbourhoods, where social sustainability is a precondition for environmental sustainability. All activities are taking place at the World in a Shell (WiaS), an autarkic, mobile and autonomous art installation.
- 11 April - 24 June 2016 - Future Pollination Lab, Europe by People/CityFab Campus, Javaeiland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Frank Blokland
ACPA researcher Frank Blokland with his PhD research provided the underlying principle for the LS Cadencer and LS Cadenculator font-production tools, which will be presented at the TYPO Labs Conference in Berlin.
- 10-11 May 2016 - TYPO Labs Conference, Berlin, Germany
Thalia Hoffman

PhDArts researcher Thalia Hoffman's short film Sham will be shown in the exhibition Vanishing Point, that examines modes of constructing national narratives, while addressing questions of collective experiences and memories and the ways these are formed. In Hoffman's Sham, during 24 hours people and cargo pile upon a refugee truck which is stuck in the Judea-plain. Lingering between past and future, the ongoing moment of lacking knowledge turns itself into a state of life.
- 14 April 2016 - 21 May 2016 - Artport, Haifa, Israel
Patrizia Bovi
docARTES researcher Patrizia Bovi will speak on Music in Ferrara at the beginning of sixteenth century at the time of the composition of the "Orlando Furioso" by Ludovico Ariosto, at the Accademia Spoletina, Spoleto.
- 4 May 2016 - Accademia Spoletina, Spoleto, Italy