Vacancy at LUCAS: PhD The Illustrated Aesopian Fable in Education in France 1500-2010 (1.0 fte)
The Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS) is looking for a: PhD The Illustrated Aesopian Fable in Education in France 1500-2010 (1.0 fte) Vacancy number: 16-123
Project description
The PhD candidate will work within a research programme funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO): Aesopian Fables 1500-2010: Word, Image, Education, supervised by Professor Paul J. Smith (LUCAS).
This PhD project focuses on the fable in France, examining how the illustrated fable was used in education and teaching, from 1500 to 2010. For centuries, the question of the “pédagogie par l’image" has preoccupied educators and pedagogues, from Comenius and Locke right up to the present day. The Aesopian fable plays a dual role in this discussion: it is both the model inspiring this reflection and its most important product. Benchmarks of this research project are:
1. The illustrated fable in the education of the Prince at the time of Classicism (La Fontaine, the Labyrinth of Versailles);
2. The illustrated fable according to the pedagogical ideals of the age of Enlightenment;
3. The illustrated La Fontaine and “la pédagogie par l'image” at the time of the Third Republic;
4. The illustrated La Fontaine in current education, from traditional school books to a digital learning environment.
Key responsabilities
• Writing a PhD thesis;
• Submitting research results for publication in peer-reviewed academic journals;
• Submitting research results for incorporation in a synthetic publication to be edited by the programme director;
• Presenting papers at conferences, both in the Netherlands and internationally;
• Some teaching in the second and third years of the appointment;
• Organising and participating in reading and discussions groups, seminars and workshops within the research group, LUCAS, as well as the wider Faculty of Humanities.
Selection criteria
Applicants for this position should meet the following conditions:
• You have a master’s or equivalent degree, preferably in French Literature, Literary Studies, or History of Education. The MA thesis must be of high quality, with a grade of at least 8.0 on a ten-point scale, or comparable assessment;
• Your MA thesis testifies to well-developed research skills, including the ability to formulate relevant and creative research questions and hypotheses, descriptive and analytical skills, and a clear and persuasive style of writing;
• You have excellent competence in French (C1/C2) in addition to a good command of English in reading, writing and speaking;
• You are able to work both independently and as part of a team;
• You undertake to finish the proposed PhD research within 4 years.
• The PhD research should result in a doctor’s degree from the Faculty of the Humanities of Leiden University under the supervision of Professor Paul J. Smith (LUCAS).
About our organisation
The Faculty of Humanities hosts a wealth of expertise in fields including philosophy, history, art history, literature, linguistics, and area studies, covering practically the entire world. The Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS) is one of seven research institutes within the Faculty of Humanities. LUCAS focuses on the study of art, literature and culture through various media.
Terms and conditions
The successful applicant will be appointed initially for a period of 12 months, with the preferred starting date of 1 September 2016. Following a positive evaluation of capabilities and compatibility and provided progress is satisfactory, the appointment will be extended by a further 3 years. The appointment must lead to the completion of a PhD thesis. Appointment will be under the terms of the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) of Dutch Universities.
The gross monthly salary is set at € 2,174.- in the first year, increasing to € 2,779.- gross per month in year four. This is based on full-time employment and in conformity with current salary scales under the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) of Dutch Universities.
An appointment with Leiden University includes a contributory pension scheme and other benefits such as an annual holiday premium of 8% and an end-of-year premium of 8.3%. Candidates from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a substantial tax concession.
For more information and the full project proposal, please contact Professor Paul J. Smith, e-mail: P.J.Smith@hum.leidenuniv.nl. For information about LUCAS, see http://hum.leiden.edu/lucas/.
Please submit your application letter in French or in English (indicating the vacancy number 16-123) including your curriculum vitae before May 15, 2016 to vacaturesLUCAS@hum.leidenuniv.nl and kjj.korevaart@hum.leidenuniv.nl. You are also requested to ask two scholars familiar with your work to send reference letters to the same addresses. We may contact these referees directly if we need additional information.
Please add to your application the following appendices: your MA thesis, copies of relevant course assessments and your MA degree certificate, and other relevant documentation such as certificates of relevant language courses.
Please be aware that the procedure may include skype interviews in addition to a final interview in Leiden; interviews are scheduled to take place between 23 and 27 May.
Vacancy Pdf