Two LUCIS publications available in Open Access
Two books that recently appeared in the Debates on Islam and Society series at Leiden University Press are now available in Open Access through the Knowledge Unlatched initiative.
Leiden University Press is a partner of OAPEN and considers Open Access publishing an opportunity to enhance the dissemination of academic research.
Jihad and Islam in World War I. Studies on the Ottoman Jihad on the Centenary of Snouck Hurgronje's "Holy War Made in Germany", edited by Erik-Jan Zürcher, can be downloaded here.
Islam, Politics, and Change: the Indonesian Experience after the Fall of Suharto, edited by Kees van Dijk and Nico Kaptein, is available here.
Debates on Islam and Society (Leiden University Press)
The peer reviewed LUCIS series aims at disseminating knowledge on Islam and Muslim societies produced by scholars working at or invited by Leiden University as a contribution to contemporary debates in society.