Leiden University is looking for a new Vice-Rector Magnificus
The Board of Governors of Leiden University has initiated the process of finding a new Vice-Rector Magnificus who will take up the position on 1 August 2016. Executive search agency Van der Kruijs is assisting with the search.
The new Vice-Rector will succeed Simone Buitendijk, who currently holds the position. The Board of Governors wishes to draw attention to the vacancy and invites the (academic) community to put forward names of suitable candidates.
Given the composition of the Executive Board, the preferred candidate for the function would be a woman, who should also have a background in science. The portfolio of the Vice-Rector includes policy on teaching and learning.
The Board of Governors has appointed a selection committee for this vacancy and a profile of the ideal candidate has been drawn up.
Selection committee
The selection committe is made up of a broad representation of the Leiden academic community: two members of the Board of Governors, two deans, the Rector and President of the Executive Board, a student member and a staff member (these last two at the proposal of the University Council).
The selection committee will propose the most suitable candidate to the Board of Governors. The Board of Governors is responsible for appointing the members of the Executive Board of the University.
If you would like to draw names of possible candidates to the attention of the selection committe, you can do so via: Van der Kruijs.