Promotion Karin Wester
On the 6th of April, Karin Wester held her PhD defense on the 'Promise and Pitfalls of the Responsibility to Protect and Lessons to be Learned from the Case of Libya’.
In 2005, the United Nations (UN) reached agreement on the ‘responsibility to protect’, a principle stipulating that states have a responsibility to protect their populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity. This principle also stipulates that the international community, through the UN, has a complementary responsibility to protect. In this context, member states pledge to take collective action, through the Security Council, on a case-by-case basis, if peaceful means are inadequate and national authorities are manifestly failing to protect their populations. Karin Wester examined a specific case in which the responsibility to protect has been applied, in the international response to the crisis in Libya in 2011. Based on this case study, she investigated the complexities and ramifications of applying the principle of responsibility in practice.

Karin Wester was a dual promovenda at the Dual PhD Centre/CRK at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs in the Hague and the Faculty of Law at the University of Amsterdam. She also worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Karin has a background in diplomacy and journalism; she is schooled in cultural history and international law.
Prof. dr. ir. J.J.C. Voorhoeve, University of Leiden
Prof. dr. mr. P.A. Nollkaemper, University of Amsterdam
Other members
Prof.dr.T.C. van Boven, University of Maastricht (emeritus)
Prof.dr. Y.M. Donders, University of Amsterdam
Prof.dr. W.J.M. van Genugten, University of Tilburg (emeritus)
Prof.dr. M.E. Glasius, University of Amsterdam
Prof.mr.dr. B.M. Oomen, University of Utrecht
Prof.dr. A. van Staden, University of Leiden
Prof.dr. D.J. Vandewalle, Dartmouth College
email: karinwester@hotmail.com