Nicoleta Paraschivescu receives hiboux award
docARTES alumna Nicoleta Paraschivescu to record Paisiello's Partimenti

Harpsichordist, organist, and docARTES alumna Nicoleta Paraschivescu has been awarded a prize by the Swiss hibou-Foundation, in support of her CD recording with Partimenti by Giovanni Paisiello.
In September 2015, Nicoleta Paraschivescu defended her thesis Die Partimenti von Giovanni Paisiello. Ansätze zu ihrem Verständnis, graduating from the docARTES PhD programme at the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts.

"This doctoral thesis focuses on Paisiello's partimenti and how to approach their realization and performance. To that end I completed an in-depth profile of his pedagogical activities and expanded the already well-known sources—the Regole published in St. Petersburg (1782)—with newly discovered partimenti by Paisiello.
Crucial for this study were connections between Paisiello's partimenti and not only his own compositions but also those of his teacher Francesco Durante and his other contemporaries. This broader perspective required taking into account the genre-specific contexts in which Paisiello’s partimenti reside. The inclusion of larger musical forms and complex progressions as compositional models significantly expands the spectrum of possibilities in the realization of his partimenti.
A central idea emerging from this study is that partimenti provide a key to the musical language of the time and offer vast possibilities for realization and ornamentation."