Dr. Johannes Magliano-Tromp new director Dual PhD Centre
Dr Johannes Magliano-Tromp has been appointed Director of Leiden University Interfacultary Dual PhD Centre The Hague as of 1st May 2016.
Magliano-Tromp will succeed Dr Adriaan in ‘t Groen MPA, who has been director since the formation in 2008. Magliano-Tromp is Associate Professor and Programme Coordinator of Leiden University International Studies.

Johannes has presented himself to the PhD candidates at the weekly Friday lunch and has had staff meetings. Both Adriaan and Johannes are aiming for a smooth transition. The new director was impressed by the versatility of the research topics, orginating from work experience outside of academia, as of the PhD candidate profiles.
Dual PhD Centre
The Dual PhD Centre offers a programme conceived for external PhD candidates that combine a PhD project with a job or job experience outside of academia. The research theme originates from their work environment. The Dual PhD Centre represents all of our Faculties' academic disciplines. Emphasis in the programme is on creation of a research proposal, education and training of the PhD candidate, and finding the most suitable scientific discipline, graduate school and academic supervisor.