Doing Gender in The Netherlands: TRANS* approaches, methods & concepts
The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies (NOG) hosts the annual National Research Day, held this year at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society. The NOG Research Day is a dedicated platform for sharing the work of junior and senior researchers of Dutch universities in the fields of Gender, Ethnicity, Sexuality and Diversity. Faculty, Postdoctorate fellows, PhD candidates and Research Master students are cordially invited to participate in this event.
This year the National Research Day is called ‘Doing Gender in The Netherlands: TRANS* approaches, methods & concepts’ and will be hosted by the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society on Friday June 10, 2016.
Call for papers:
The 2016 edition of this NOG Research Day focuses in particular on trans* approaches, methods and concepts. Some immediate associations may arise in relation to transgender experience, transgenre cultural productions, transcultural interactions and transnational/translational politics. The asterisk (*) is a wildcard for the many possibilities for affixing trans to other terms. Trans, inter and multi show up very often in the fields of gender and sexuality, transnational/translational and transcultural theories, as well as in diversity and inclusivity studies. What are the semantic differences in the ways that they are used and/or function as concepts, approaches and methods? This year’s conference aims to examine underlying assumptions and support reflection on the various layers of meaning in our professional jargon and analytical language. It provides the space and opportunity for deliberating the multiple workings of trans* as a prefix, as well as for discussing case studies that demonstrate its (un)productivity.
Hyper-connectivity defines local and global societies: how would a transversal approach to culture, capital, and their circulation frame our understanding of these processes? In what ways does Gender Studies in The Netherlands contribute to the multiculturalism debate? How might the concept of a non-binary ‘two-spirit’ gender identity elucidate the ways in which colonial settler dynamics silence polyvocality? These and other questions raised by the decolonial option, transgender studies, critical whiteness, queer theory, translation & comparison studies and other perspectives can be addressed under the plurality of trans*.
We welcome scholars from all disciplines who are invested in analyzing difference and difference marking practices, such as gender, sexuality, race/ethnicity, class, religion, age, ability, and citizenship. We are excited to showcase research conducted into these social categories through methods including but not limited to empirical, historical, ethnographic, experimental, artistic, hermeneutic, and affective approaches.
The Doing Gender in the Netherlands Day is open for presentations by PhD students and Research Master students registered at Dutch universities as well as Postdocs and Faculty who would like to share some of their current research with other gender scholars.
There are several options to participate:
– As a presenter of a 15 min. paper
– As a session moderator
– As a participant without paper presentation
Through the presentation of work-in-progress of the current generation of gender scholars, the NOG research days seek to both monitor and critique national developments and contemporary discussions within the field. It is not required to be a member of NOG in order to participate, but we do encourage new members to join by emailing their local representative and the NOG office. Membership is free, possible to combine with other research schools, and includes a monthly newsletter and access to all NOG events (including earning graduate training credit).
Deadline of abstracts:
Abstracts for papers (300 words maximum) can be sent to NOG@uu.nl until Friday March 4, 2016. Please mention the following details: your name, university and if applicable supervisor(s). By Friday April 1, we’ll let you know whether your abstract has been accepted.
Accepted papers are due Friday May 20, 2016 and should be submitted to NOG@uu.nl. The final paper should be no more than 2,500-3,500 words (excluding footnotes and references), and will be sent to the moderator and co-presenters of the session in advance.
Format of the day:
The day will start with a welcome speech by the Vice-Rector of Leiden University, Professor Simone Buitendijk, who leads the Diversity Steering Group, followed by a brief opening address by NOG director Professor Rosemarie Buikema, Dr. Liesbeth Minnaard (NOG board member) and Dr. Eliza Steinbock (NOG curriculum committee member). Dr. Trish Salah (Queen’s University, Canada) will then give an agenda-setting keynote speech, which outlines trans* many productive possibilities.
The second part of the morning as well as the afternoon will be dedicated to discussions of work-in-progress by means of paper presentations. Thematic parallel sessions on “doing gender research” and also “doing diversity work” will run in 90-minute slots. Presenters should prepare a 15 minute presentation based on their full paper, and 5 minutes of feedback for fellow presenters, for instance linking to their research approach(es), method(s) and concept(s). Full papers will be distributed in advance among the panel participants and the moderator. Each session will be moderated by a NOG staff member, who will respond to the panel presentations and facilitate discussion.
The academic program of the day will be concluded with a round table discussion on the (un)foreseeable future of doing gender and diversity from a trans* (however interpreted) perspective, featuring position papers by Netherlands-based scholars, artists and activists. We invite you to continue the discussion over drinks.
The language of the day is English.
Please email to NOG@uu.nl if you wish to attend the National Research Day Doing Gender in the Netherlands as a paper presenter, participant or moderator before Friday March 4, 2016.
To organize this National Research Day we ask for a contribution of €15,- from every attendee, (presenter or participant) for tea, coffee, lunch and drinks, to be paid in cash at the registration desk on the day.
On Thursday June 9, 2016 Dr. Salah, scholar and poet, will conduct a workshop on the politics of cultural translation and the aesthetics of minority and diasporic literature, that will include a creative writing exercise. This event takes place from 14-17 hrs at Leiden University and is organized in partnership with LeidenGlobal, LIAS, and LUCAS. NOG students can receive 1 EC for their active participation and by writing an essay; please note if you wish to receive credit with your registration. Maximum capacity is 25 people, open from Research Master to faculty level. Register by email to NOG@uu.nl, with a 200-word motivation for participating in the workshop before Thursday May 26. More information to follow.
Read more.