DANS KDP grant to publish five centuries of coin production figures
In the project ‘Coin production in the Low Countries: 1334-1789’, Leiden University, the International Institute of Social History, and Het Nederlands Economisch-Historisch Archief, team up to create a website that provides access to five centuries of coin production figures.
The past decades several historians have worked on compiling mint production datasets; a Klein Dataproject grant from Data Archiving and Networking Services allows dr. Jaco Zuijderduijn to see to it that these will be made ready for Open Access publication.
Coin production
Since the middle ages personnel of the minting houses in the Low Countries kept accounts of their annual production. Coin production figures are of crucial importance for understanding development in the long run. Such data provide insight in the quantity of coins in circulation, their quality, and the denominations coined in mint houses.
The end product - a user-friendly website - provides insight in monetary, socioeconomic, and political developments in the long-run, in the later middle ages and early-modern period, both for the Northern and Southern Low Countries.