Major Marie Curie subsidy
90 international postdocs for Leiden-Delft-Erasmus
Thanks to the Marie Curie COFOUND subsidy, more than ninety postdoc researchers will have the opportunity to gain two years’ work experience at Leiden University, Delft University of Technology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Erasmus Medical Center and the Leiden University Medical Center.
The universities and medical centres will together receive 6.3 million euros from this European subsidy programme that aims to stimulate national and international mobility
Strategic alliance
The LEaDing Fellow Postdoc Programme is part of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus strategic alliance. This alliance was initiated by the three universities in 2012, to strengthen the collaboration acaross a wide range of fields covering research, teaching and valorisation. The programme offers postdocs a challenging and internationally attractive working environment. They will work primarily on multidisciplinary projects at the three universities and their medical centres, and at businesses and government bodies, mainly in the local area.
Complex societal themes
The postdocs will be able to draw from many disciplines present at the three universities: from archaeology to civil engineering, from nanotechnology to law, from Korean studies to sustainable energy technology and from economics to medicine. Complex societal themes will also be addressed that are focal areas for the multidisciplinary Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centres and Medical Delta. These range from big data for urban development to ageing, European economic and financial governance, sustainability, the security and health of society, and global heritage.
New career prospects
Candidates can apply by submitting their own project proposal to one of the universities or medical centres. The young researchers will be introduced into the networks of their supervisors and scientific colleagues, and will also be encouraged to initiate contacts themselves with public and private parties in the region. Professor Karel Luyben, Rector Magnificus of Delft University of Technology: ‘Collaboration with non-academic partners, such as well-established large businesses, new technology companies, government bodies and other public organisations can open up new career prospects for these postdocs.’