Dr Laura Van Broekhoven new director of the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford
The Museum enjoys the highest reputation internationally
Dr Laura Van Broekhoven, Head of the Curatorial Department and Curator of Middle and South America at the Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen (encompassing the Tropenmuseum, Volkenkunde and Afrika Museum) in the Netherlands and Assistant Professor of Archaeology at Leiden University, has been appointed as the new Director of the Pitt Rivers Museum. She will take up the directorship on 1 March 2016. This follows the retirement from the directorship of Professor Mike O’Hanlon in September.
Dr Van Broekhoven said: "It is both an honour and a delight to be joining the Pitt Rivers
Museum. The Museum enjoys the highest reputation internationally for the quality of its curatorial expertise, its extraordinary collections and galleries and as a centre of scholarship thanks in particular to the outstanding leadership of Professor O’Hanlon. I am greatly looking forward to working with colleagues in the museum and also with academic colleagues across the University.”
Welcoming his successor, Professor O’Hanlon said “The Pitt Rivers has been deeply
fortunate to acquire the exceptional services of Dr. Van Broekhoven as its new Director
Professor Anne Trefethen, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for the Academic Services and University
Collections, said: “I am delighted that Dr Van Broekhoven will be joining us at what is a
pivotal moment, both for the Pitt Rivers and the University’s other museums and collections. All of these outstanding collections are now working – individually and collectively – to extend their contribution to the delivery of the University’s strategic aims and I greatly look forward to Dr Van Broekhoven joining us in this shared endeavour.