Upcoming exhibitions, residencies, concerts, record launches and lectures by PhDArts, docARTES and ACPA researchers
A series of upcoming activities by docARTES researchers Niels Berentsen, Bobby Mitchell, Shaya Feldman, and PhDArts researchers Jonas Staal, Riccardo Giacconi, Yota Ioannidou, and Brigitte Kovacs
Niels Berentsen
docARTES researcher Niels Berentsen will lead a workshop on 15th-century vocal improvisation, in the workshop series CONNECT II - Inner voicing, distant touch, at Stedelijke Academie voor Muziek en Woordkunst, Borgerhout.
- 19 February 2016 - Musica, Stedelijke Academie voor Muziek en Woordkunst, Borgerhout, Belgium
Bobby Mitchell
docARTES researcher Bobby Mitchell has been invited for a two-day collaborative residency and performance at the Malmö Academy of Music, Reflecting Schumann. Improvisations and interpretations for voice and piano.
- 16-17 February 2016 - Malmö Academy of Music, Malmö, Sweden
Shaya Feldman
docARTES researcher Shaya Feldman will perform at City Art Rotterdam with his viola/cello/bass string trio ZVOV, with Clara Riviere and Maya Felixbrodt. In their free improvisations the members of the trio will incorporate performance, noise, voice, and creative and varied use of the gallery space.
- 21 February 2016, 16.00 hrs - City Art Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Jonas Staal
The New World Summit, organized by PhDArts researcher Jonas Staal, in collaboration with BAK, basis voor actuele kunst; Utrecht University; Centraal Museum Utrecht; and the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization, Brussels/The Hague, presents New World Summit: Stateless Democracy, a three-day assembly that explores the possibilities of uncoupling the practice of democracy from the construct of the nation-state.
- 29-31 January 2016 - Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Riccardo Giacconi
PhDArts researcher Riccardo Giacconi takes part in the exhibition Everything in nature has a lyrical essence, a tragic fate, a comic existence where he will present his work 'Controvena'. The exhibitions examines the role of the artist as a biographer by addressing the dilemma of every writer: What are the most meaningful moments of an entire existence, which are worth being handed down?
- 28 January - 5 March 2016 - Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna, Austria
Riccardo Giacconni’s video Entrelazado will be screened at the International Film Festival Rotterdam.
- 31 January - 1 February 2016 - LantarenVenster, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Yota Ioannidou
PhDArts researcher Yota Ioannidou takes part in the public series of events entitled The Kids Want Communism, marking the ninety-nine years to the Bolshevik Revolution. This joint project takes place throughout 2016, on different locations.
- February 25, 2016 – January 21, 2017 - MoBY-Museums of Bat Yam, Bat Yam, Israel
Yota Ioannidou exhibits work in the group exhibition Study Room: The State of Things, held at The Breeder and coordinated by Vangelis Vlahos. Study Room: The state of things can be seen as an observatory of different mechanisms for understanding reality with uncertain political and historical limits. It can be seen as a study space of small fragmented narratives without profound connections between them.
- 16 January – 13 February 2016 - The Breeder, Athens, Greece
Brigitte Kovacs
PhDArts researcher Brigitte Kovacs takes part in the group exhibition The Art of Women - The Trade-off Show, curated by Barbara Steiner that shows works of contemporary artists who deal with current economic conditions and with the history of the VBKÖ (Austrian Association of Women Artists) in equal measure.
- 4 December 2015 – 20 March 2016 - VBKÖ, Vienna, Austria
Eleni Kamma
PhDArts researcher Eleni Kamma participates in Breaking Crisis, the film programme of Transmediale Berlin. The programme also features works by: Norman Cowie, Elisabeth Marjanović Cronvall & Marta Dauliute, Beatrice Gibson, Jean Herman.
- 6 February 2016, 12.00-14.00 hrs - Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany