10-12 December International Conference 'The General Labour History of Africa'
The second authors' conference of the General Labour History of Africa (GLHA) project will be held from 10 to 12 December 2015 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
The purpose of this initiative is to publish a seminal work on African labour, economic and social history, bringing together contributions from some of the most notable academics and researchers on labour history in Africa today. The project is the initiative of Dr. Stefano Bellucci of the Leiden University Institute for History.
The conference follows the first GLHA conference held in Addis Ababa in December 2013, when the participating authors met for the first time, in order to present and exchange their views and research.
The project is the initiative of dr. Stefano Bellucci, recently appointed lecturer of African history and African economics at Leiden University, Institute for History and senior researcher for the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam.
Stefano Bellucci and professor Andreas Eckert, director of the IGK Arbeit und Lebenslauf in globalgeschichtlicher Perspektive Institute and professor of African History at Humboldt University in Germany, obtained two grants from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to complete the task of writing a labour history of Africa in two volumes. Following the Conference in December 2015, Volume II, covering 1900-2000, will be published. A second volume is expected by 2018.

100 years International Labour Organisation
The whole project will be part of the Century Project of the ILO to celebrate 100 years of its existence, 1919-2019.
An example of scholars included in the project: Prof. Frederic Cooper (New York University), Prof. Gareth Austin (Cambridge University), Prof. Carolyn Brown (Rutgers University), Prof. Babacar Fall (University Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal), Prof. Richard Roberts (Stanford University), Prof. Ugo Nwokeji (Berkeley University), Prof. Samuel Nyanchoga (University of Eastern Africa, Kenya), Prof. Bill Freund (University of Kwa-Zulu Natal), Prof. Akua Britwum (University of Cape Coast, Ghana), Prof. Ibikunle Tijani (University of Ibadan), Prof. Daniel Maul (Aarhus University, Denmark), Prof. Sara Berry (Johns Hopkins University), Prof. Li Anshan (Beijing University, China), Prof. Rana Jawad (University of Bath), Prof. Franco Barchiesi (Ohio State University), Prof. Michelle Moyd (Indiana University), Prof. Ibrahim Abdullah (Fourah Bay College, Sierra Leone), Prof. Julia Tischler (University of Basel), Prof. Hanan Sabea (American Universty of Cairo, Egypt)