Mili Gabrovšek wins Education Award 2015
English Language and Culture lecturer Mili Gabrovšek has won the Education Award 2015. In the report, the jury praised Gabrovšek's humor and enthusiasm. Each year the award is presented to the most inspiring lecturer of the faculty at the opening of the academic year.
A praised teacher
Gabrovšek was nominated by the Albion Association, the English department student association. As reasons for her nomination they mentioned her ability to make course material relevant for modern students and her active participation in the student association.
After visiting one of Gabrovšek's Language Acquisition classes, the jury said they were pleasantly surprised with Gabrovšek's ability to enthuse a group of students at a very late hour and said that – even for outsiders – it was hard to remain on the sidelines during the class discussion. Gabrovsek’s contagious sense of humor created an active student participation.

About Mili Gabrovšek
Gabrovšek received her cum laude Master in English Language and Culture from Leiden University. She also has a Bachelor and Master degree in English Language and Literature and Sociology from the University of Ljubljana. She received the Faculty of Arts Award for the best thesis in the field of sociology. At Leiden University Gabrovsek mainly lectured about language acquisition for the study English Language and Culture.