Symposium Diversity and Inclusiveness - Tuesday 14 April 2015
On April 14 we will celebrate the launch of our Faculty action plan ‘diversity and inclusivity’ with a symposium. We will present the action plan and our colleague Professor Tomas Brage will be keynote speaker. He is the Director of Education at the Physics Institute of Lund University in Sweden and will share from his extensive experience in implementing diversity and inclusivity policies.
The symposium will provide a platform to learn about existing diversity and inclusivity initiatives at our Faculty and to invite you to share your ideas on the topic.
A diverse and inclusive teaching and research environment increases excellence, encourages innovation and scientific progress and the sense of belonging. This strengthens the organization.
Practical information
Van Steenis Building, main Lecture hall (E004)
Time: 14.45-17.00 hrs.
For whom: All Leiden Science staff and students
14.45 Welcome with coffee and tea
15.00 Opening and presentation action plan by the Dean, Geert de Snoo
15.10 Key-note speech by Professor Tomas Brage, Q&A
15.50 Break with coffee and tea
16.20 Presentation Women’s Network by Prof. Dr. Miranda van Eck and
Dr. Martina Vijver
16.35 Elevator pitches by existing Diversity and Inclusivity initiatives at the Faculty of Science, amongst others:
- Girlz@LIACS
- Ladies Physics Day
- Chemisch Dispuut Leiden
- Women’s association Pheme, De Leidsche Flesch
16.45 Open floor for ideas and discussion
17.00 Closing and drinks