Visit to Cambridge
From 12 – 16 May, prof. Fokkens and five RMA students (Kiki de Bondt, Jordy Aal, Mette Langbroek, Gwendolynn de Groote and Bastiaan Steffens) visited Cambridge for a two-day workshop with prof. Marie Louise Sørensen, staff and students of Cambridge University, and a number of the members of the Cambridge Archaeological Unit under direction of dr. Chris Evans.

Ely Cathedral
The Leiden group presented the results of their research seminar about Bronze Age barrows research of the last century in West Frisia (as part of the NWO funded Farmers of the Coast project). In addition several staff members of Cambridge University, the Cambridge Unit and Bristol University (dr. Jo Brück) presented papers about the results of research into archived excavations.

Grimes Graves Flint Mines
On the third day the group visited the 13th century cathedral of Ely, the Grimes Graves flint mines and the Bronze Age ritual site of Flag Fen, including the spectacular Bronze Age logboats of Must Farm.
On the last day the group visited the Cambridge Unit excavation of a most impressive Iron Age and Roman period settlement site in Cambridge.