Phd student Frits Veerman selected for a Rubicon research grant in Oxford
After his PhD defense on 25 September Frits Veerman will go to the University of Oxford to do research at the Centre for Mathematical Biology.
After his PhD defense on 25 September Frits Veerman will go to the University of Oxford to do research at the Centre for Mathematical Biology. Frits is the only researcher from Leiden University that was granted a Rubicon research grant. The Rubicon Program enables recently graduated scientists to carry out research at a foreign top institute, which is vital for building a scientific career.
In the past four years, Veerman has been carrying out mathematical research under supervision of dr. Vivi Rottschäfer and Prof. dr. Arjen Doelman. His research focusses on applied analysis, in particular on pattern formation. It turns out that patterns in natural phenomena can often, from a mathematical perspective, be described in a similar manner. Veerman: ‘The remarkable thing about my research proposal for Oxford is that I am asking: How do patterns occur in environments that are themselves constantly changing?’
The researchers at the Centre for Mathematical Biology of Oxford University already have experience with studying patterns on growing biological domains, says Veerman. ‘Biologists and mathematicians work together to address questions at the interface between biology and mathematics. That’s why I chose Oxford. I’m looking forward to coming into contact with scientists from other disciplines. You can learn from each other’s research methods and approaches.’