Agreement signed between CML and Mulawarman University
Recently a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) - Leiden University and the Mulawarman university in Samarinda, Kalimatan province, Indonesia. The MOU will be effective for a period of five years and covers the intention to collaborate in education, research training, exchange of staff and students, joint publications and joint seminars and conferences.
CML already has a history of collaboration with the Mulwarman University under the umbrella of Tropenbos International since 2004. Under this collaborative programme recently two Indonesian PhD students successfully defended their PhD thesis (Tien Wahyuni and Bernaulus Saragih).
Under the new agreement two new PhD candidates have been accepted: Rachmat Suba, with funding from the Indonesian government, will implement research on the ecology of the Bornean forest elephant and Arbainsyah Insyah, with a Louwes fellowship, will do research on tropical forest management for food and water.
It is the intention that Dutch MSC students will participate in fieldwork in Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Photo: The official moment of signing of the agreement: Prof. dr. Wawan Kustiawan and Prof. dr. Geert de Snoo