Chairman IBM Europe lectures in ICT in Business course
The Chairman IBM Europe & Country General Manager IBM Netherlands, Harry Van Dorenmalen, gave a guest lecture in the M.Sc. ICT in Business course ‘˜Change Management‘™. Van Dorenmalen emphasized the need in the current knowledge economy for people to become specialists. His lively lecture discussed important moments of change for both businesses and individuals. Also, he shared insights about career development.
Rut Torres, ICT in Business student from Peru
"Being this the first time I meet a CEO I was quite apprehensive about it; however, from the very beginning Harry van Doremalen broke the ice by introducing himself to each of us with a handshake, a smile and a "My name is Harry"; what a way to call the CEO of IBM-Europe, just Harry!
Of course his first lesson was: Always Be Prepared. If you are going to meet the CEO of IBM of course you have to know some basic facts as the number of employees and yearly revenue of the company! But I think that after his speech we all had a sense that if we put our mind into it we can become CEOs one day, the potential is there, we just have to exploit it. As a final thought of what I take with me from Harry: You are more valuable for a company than you think so, make yourself a specialist and make them want to have you in their team."
"Mr Van Doremalen's interactive and friendly way of talking encouraged us to participate in during his lecture. He was remarkably successful in explaining complex issues in a simple and comprehensible way for each of us. He provided us a different perspective to look our future plans and that will surely contribute to further development of our careers."
During Mr. van Dorenmalen's presentation we got the opportunity to hear what it is like to be the CEO of one of the world's biggest IT companies. Taking us on a tour through several phases of organizational change that IBM has undergone made me realize how hard it must be to transform such a big multinational company in a successful way. It also showed that such changes require sophisticated leaders who are able to push the company forward and dare to take initiatives that might not be clear immediately, but are strategically important for the company's future.
Altogether I have experienced this session as very informative and inspiring, providing us students with practical examples of situations we might encounter ourselves during our career.
Harry, ICT in Business student from Philippines
"What i like most about the lecture of Harry Van Doremalen (CEO IBM) is the simplicity of the delivery and the theme of his lecture. His lecture primarily emphasizes on the power of changing and believing first in ones own abilities to think big for your future career and that we should be aware of the people around us. They shouldn't be taken for granted and that We as a student should maximize the opportunity of interacting and getting to know more about our peers, neighbours and the likes, not for an ulterior motive but to genuinely establish a dialogue or exchange of idea as well as recognizing the other persons presence to be integrated in our sphere of social network."