Universiteit Leiden

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LUC The Hague, Opening in September 2010

Leiden University College The Hague is an international honours college of Leiden University situated in the world’s capital of Peace and Justice. LUC The Hague provides a unique combination of world-class scholarly depth, drawn from the oldest university in the Netherlands, with a cutting-edge and globally conscious curriculum that capitalises on its location in the vibrant, international atmosphere of The Hague.

It represents a very special opportunity for talented, open-minded, and ambitious students from all over the world to engage in socially and globally responsible education at the very highest level available to under-graduates.

From the Dean

“We are very excited at LUC The Hague about the way that the curriculum is taking shape. It is a genuinely innovative and creative concept, with great scope for growth and development on the part of both students and staff. We’re grateful for the support we have received from all the Faculties in Leiden, and especially for the time and energy of their representatives on our Curriculum Development Committee. It is thrilling to see how much enthusiasm and creativity can be generated by a common venture of this kind, university-wide, and we can’t wait to see how this collaboration will develop in the future, to the benefit of Leiden as a whole.”

LUC The Hague: Mission

“LUC The Hague is founded on the belief that the efforts of individuals can make a difference in the world. Its creative and flexible curriculum aims to provide each student with the best possible route to fulfill their intellectual potential and to contribute towards resolving the global challenges that we all face today. At LUC we aim to recognise excellence and talent within, outside and across the boundaries of conventional disciplines, believing that students are capable of scholarly innovation and creative insight. LUC seeks to encourage its students towards these goals by creating a highly fertile, international and cosmopolitan environment for motivated students and dynamic staff working together in small groups to help build knowledge for a better world.” 

New Look

Our website is now live. The visual representation of LUC takes dynamism and movement as its foundation. The matrix of coloured lines in our images, which are drawn from the Faculty colours in Leiden, shows the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary space in which LUC is located, and suggests the myriad, creative routes both to and through our innovative curriculum. 

Teaching Opportunities at LUC

LUC The Hague is on the look-out for creative and dynamic academic staff who are excited about the opportunities offered by its unique environment for innovation in teaching and learning. There are opportunities for newly qualified teachers (in the final stages of their PhDs), for junior staff (in the first few years after their PhDs), and for experienced and senior staff (including full professors). Details of the programme and curriculum can be found on our website. If you think you might be interested, please contact the dean: c.goto-jones@LUCTheHague.nl
Information Evening on the 7th of december

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