9 Results found for "issc malfunctions"
ISSC malfunctions
Solved: Malfunction MyStudyMap
There has been a brief disruption when registering in MyStudyMap..
SOLVED: issues Self service
This morning there was a brief disruption with our Selfservice system, this issue has since been resolved.
Solved: Network failure
There is currently a disruption of several network services.
Solved: Malfunction websites Leiden University Libraries
A number of the Leiden University Libraries websites are currently difficult to access.
Solved: Login is not possible on several systems.
Currently, there is an outage that makes it impossible to login into some (educational) systems.
Solved: Disruption network
There is currently a disruption that prevents network access.
Malfunction reports
Malfunctions and scheduled maintenance of ICT systems.
Leiden University is currently experiencing network problems due to ongoing attacks on the SURF network used by Leiden University. As a result, certain systems may be poorly accessible or unavailable. The ISSC is working hard to resolve the issues as soon as possible however, in doing so, the ISSC is dependent on the actions of SURF. The ISSC is vigilant and we monitor our environment. Surf will provide updates on a regular basis. The next update is expected around noon.