University Sports Centre
- Address
Einsteinweg 6
2333 CC Leiden
Monday to Friday: 07:30 - 00:00
Saturday and Sunday: 08:30 - 18:00
For detailled opening hours, visit the USC Leiden website
Disabled parking spaces
Two parking spaces immediately to the right of the main entrance.
Location on the city map
The route to the entrance is paved and level. There is a slight ramp of about 100 centimetres. The automatic sliding door opens about 160 cm.
Reception, approx. 14 metres straight ahead after the entrance. 071 - 527 4610.
Wheelchair-accessible toilets
After reception, immediately turn left. After about 13 metres, turn left again. The toilet is on the right next to the ladies' changing rooms.
Turn left immediately after reception. After about 17 metres straight ahead, the lift is on the right at the end of the corridor.
Eventuele obstakels
- Er is geen deurbel
- Bij de ingang is een drempel van ca. 2 cm.
- Niet alle deuren in het gebouw gaan automatisch open.
- Niet alle glazen wanden en deuren zijn gemarkeerd.
Visitors can park in Parking garage Ehrenfestweg (Ehrenfestweg 1).
Employees with a parking subscription can park under the Gorleaus Building (Wassenaarseweg 76), or submit a request via parkeren@vastgoed.leidenuniv.nl to gain access to the Parking garage Ehrenfest.