Universiteit Leiden

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Sandifortdreef 17
2333 ZZ Leiden
+31 (0)71 527 40 63

Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 17:00 hrs
Saturday and Sunday: closed

Wheelchair-accessible parking space

On Bargelaan, opposite the northern entrance to Leiden Central Station.
Location on the city map


  • The route to the entrance is paved and level.
  • There is a ramp of about 3 metres.
  • There is an automatic sliding door.
  • There is a doorbell
  • The passage is about 100 cm wide.


Reception right after the entrance.
071 - 527 4063

Wheelchair-accessible toilets

About 15 metres after the entrance on the right.


After the entrance about 12 metres away on the left.

Possible obstacles

  • There is a threshold in the form of two steps of about 15 cm high.
  • There are doors in the building that have to be opened by hand. 
  • Not all glass walls and doors  are marked.

Parking for employees

The Rijnveste parking garage is accessible for employees with a parking pass (linked to the LU Card).
You can drop someone off or pick someone up (kiss&ride) at Paviusstraat.

Parking for visitors

Visitors can park in the Rijnveste parking garage for a fee (pin only).

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