178 Results found for "alumni"
Virtual BAIS Alumni Reunion 2021: New Beginnings
What’s new, BAIS alumni? This summer, the BAIS Alumni Association hosted the yearly alumni reunion, organized in virtual format for the second time after the previous reunion also took place online in 2020. Feeling the need to compensate for the lack of in-person interaction, the Alumni Association prepared different activities to mark the occasion in an original way.
How to connect with other International Studies alumni near you
As an Alumni Association, connecting alumni is our mission. It's not always easy with such a diverse and international alumni community. So how do we do this? Read below more about our new initiatives that help you connect with other alumni who live close to you — no matter where you live on this globe.
Find out about the Alumni Dreams #Kieran Richards
Since 2017, Dr. Sarita Koendjbiharie, has been gathering stories of International Studies Alumni, which resulted in an impressive and growing collection of around 150 “Alumni Dreams”. In this article we would like to highlight one of the Alumni Dreams and find out a bit more about Kieran Richards, a British alumnus (2012), who currently has an impressive job as an FX MM Investigator at BNP Paribas in Paris. We asked him about the choices he made, his career path, working in the banking sector, his time at International Studies and of course his advice for new alumni!
July 6 - reunion for Alumni of the BA International Studies
On the 6th of July, the BAIS Alumni Association will host the second edition of the BAIS Alumni Reunion in The Hague, boasting an interesting programme! Staff and Alumni are invited to attend, find out more and register below.
Watch the Alumni Reunion 2019 Video!
On July 6, about thirty International Studies alumni met up at Café Luden for a reunion. Featuring talks by The Hague's deputy mayor Robert van Asten, Sarita Koendjbiharie, and of course plenty of drinks and bitterballen: it was a great success. Interested to hear what other International Studies alumni are up to these days? Watch the video below!
Dear Alumni,
I am happy to introduce this Newsletter specially dedicated to the alumni of our programme. It has again been a good year for International Studies, with a record number of students joining the ranks of the alumni when graduating in August.
Stay in touch & involved: follow the Alumni Association!
Be sure to follow the Alumni Association Facebook page and join the BAIS Alumni Association group to stay up to date of future events, e.g. vacancies for Board Members are posted here. Facebook is also the best way to get in touch with the current Board if you have suggestions, or if you would like to become an active alumnus/alumna.
Stay in touch & involved: follow the Alumni Association!
Stay connected with your fellow International Studies alumni: follow us on social media an join our events, we organise events and meetups for alumni across all generations whether you graduated this year or back in 2015.
Updates from the Alumni Association
The Board is looking for new members and new ideas, and you can connect with local Alumni Chapters. Also, save the date for alumni drinks! 12 July in The Hague and open to everyone.
Besides strengthening your personal connections, our alumni network can also provide you with up to date news, activities of interest to alumni and all sorts of academic and professional learning opportunities.