July 6 - reunion for Alumni of the BA International Studies
On the 6th of July, the BAIS Alumni Association will host the second edition of the BAIS Alumni Reunion in The Hague, boasting an interesting programme! Staff and Alumni are invited to attend, find out more and register below.
The BA International Studies is currently in its seventh year since it started in 2012. And with every passing year, the alumni community is growing bigger, more diverse and more international.
The Alumni Reunion is a way of creating and maintaining links and connections within this ever-growing international community. For International Studies alumni, the event provides you with the possibility to see old friends (and make some new ones!), hear from interesting speakers, see how the International Studies programme has been developing since you left, and the opportunity- now many of us have started their careers - to expand your professional network.
During the day Saskia Bruines, deputy mayor of Education, the Knowledge Economy and Internationalisation in the city of The Hague, will be the key-note speaker! Other details of the programme will be announced soon. Don't be afraid: it will be informal, 'gezellig' and interactive. Of course, you'll be provided with some drinks, as well.
The BAIS Alumni Association is looking forward to welcoming you on the 6th of July. In case you have questions regarding the event, you can e-mail them at baisalumniassociation@gmail.com.
Sign up for the event through the form here.
The Facebook Event-page can be found here.