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Sun Sea Science (and bbq) register for the beach lectures!

On Tuesday 11 & Wednesday 19 September, the universities in The Hague organize special guest lectures on the beach of Scheveningen, both followed by a BBQ. Impressive guest lecturers will take the stage, including Journalist Joris Luyendijk, Amy Verdun, Professor European Politics and Political Economy at Leiden University, comedian and political satirist Arjen Lubach and Juul Manders,CEO and founder of the lifestyle brand BALR. Tickets are still available, going at 5 Euro.

Lecture in Dutch: Tuesday September 11, from 3.30 - 5.30 pm

- Juul Manders, director and co-founder of the BALR lifestyle brand.
- Arjen Lubach, writer, comedian, television presenter  Zondag met Lubach and music producer.


Juul Manders and Arjen Lubach are the first to give a lecture. Both lectures are followed by Q&A sessions. Juul Manders talks about entrepreneurship, lifestyle and success. "Do what others don’t do and how do to enjoy doing business"

Tickets include a drink and access to the BBQ. 

Lecture in English: Wednesday, September 19 from 3.30 - 5.30 pm

- Amy Verdun, Professor of European Politics and Political Economy, Leiden University
- Joris Luyendijk. Journalist and author of "Swimming with Sharks, My Journey Into The World of
Bankers "and" Can we talk" (Can we Talk)


The central theme of this lecture is trust. 

Amy Verdun will speak about Trust in Europe. The past decade has seen multiple crises and challenges : the financial and European debt crisis, the migration crisis, the Brexit crisis and even, one could argue, the challenge posed by right-wing populism. In light of these challenges what can we say about trust in Europe? This lecture examines these issues and offers some insights into what we might lie ahead for the future of European governance.”

Joris Luyendijk talks about how trust in the traditional political parties has largely or completely disappeared.” Students can ask questions after the lectures in a Q&A session. 

Tickets include a drink and access to the BBQ. 

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