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Most Outstanding Students provide Alumnus speech by video

During the 2020 graduation ceremony, 2019’s two Most Outstanding Students provided their Alumnus speech via video. Imogen Stevens and Karen Chica Gomez congratulated the new graduates on their achievement, and reflected on the past year as they have moved on from International Studies.

Opening up new worlds

For Karen, the experience of moving from her home in the Ecuadoran-Peruvian border area to become a graduate in Leiden was immense, as it was also for her family. Imogen talked of her transition to a science-based MA exploring climate change, with all the different forms and tools of learning that this brings. Nevertheless, she praised the central role of debate and discussion that she encountered in International Studies, something different from the scientific environment she now engages with. Karen looked back very positively on the remarkable cultural diversity of the International Studies community, which opened up new worlds for her and also taught her to be critical in a constructive manner.

Inspirational words

For both Imogen and Karen, nothing is to be taken for granted – least of all, as they pointed out, in a situation where the Corona virus is forcing us to change the way we live. They both closed off with inspirational words for the graduates of 2020. Imogen: ‘Stay active, stay critical, and keep engaging in these difficult discussions.’ Karen: ‘I believe what really matters is the determination, passion and perseverance for long-term goals despite adversity – that is why I travelled over two continents to study.’

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