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Follow the "This Is International Studies" blogs and contribute!

New blogs of staff and students appear regularly on the "This Is International Studies" website. Staff and students involved in the programme are invited to contribute to the blog. Topics of interest are all matters connected to the theme of the programme (globalization and its the regional effects, see also this blog post), including the presentation of current research by our academic staff, discusions on the profile of International Studies and related matters, such as multidisciplinary.

Subjects as "The magic of co-creation in the International Studies Programme", "Multidisciplinarity unplugged", "Economists crossing disciplinary borders: trespassers or trailblazers?" and the question "What is International Studies?" have been addressed by authors such as Dr. Georgiana Bălău, Dr. Elena Burgos MartinezDr. María Gabriela Palacio and Dr. Jaap Kamphuis.

Bloggers wanted!
Contributions can be sent to the Programme manager Dr. Jaap Kamphuis. Please check the page "How to blog" before sending in your contribution.

Latest blogs
Check out the latest blogs here.



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