Enroll for New Blackboard page on Study Advice
Do you have questions about your study programme or are you in need of advice or more information about the options you have as a student?
The coordinators of studies have created a blackboard page for Study Advice, which will help you get the most out of your studies.
It offers easy access to ‘need-to-know information’ in one spot, such as who is your coordinator of studies and how to contact them, study advice, career planning, useful documents, etc.
It is also is a gathering place for PowerPoints and handouts from information sessions, and links to useful websites with study tips and workshops. So if you have missed an information session, you can catch up here.
Enroll for the Blackboard module here and get access to all the information that might help you during your studies. An added advantage of enrolling for this course is that you will receive messages when study advice materials are updated.
More information
All information on Study Advice and the Coordinators of Studies can be found on the student website of International Studies here.