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Curriculum update: programme changes in 2018/2019

As most of you know, we made some important changes to our curriculum last year. It is time for an update on some relevant changes. In this article you will find an overview of the most important changes.

For a detailed and comprehensive overview, please take a look at the e-prospectus for the latest information on the programme for the academic year 2018/19.

Politics by Area in semester 1
For those of you that need to retake the Politics by Area course please take note that this course has moved from the 2nd semester of the 2nd year to the 1st semester of the 2nd year.

Language courses
The achievement levels for language courses  were a bit too ambitious for the number of hours students can invest in the courses. This has resulted in an adjustment of the achievement levels, as well as a change of name of the “(Upper-) Intermediate” courses to “Intermediate” courses. Students starting without prior knowledge of a language start with “Language 1 Beginner”, proceed with “Language 2 Pre-Intermediate” and finish with “Language 3 Intermediate”.

Thematic seminar: Research Methods
This is a new 2nd year course in the programme, with the objective of training students in methodology. Students will learn about qualitative and quantitative research methods and do a small research project of their own. The course consists of a number of plenary lectures as well as meetings in smaller seminar groups in which a lecturer will discuss the application of research methods in relation to a theme. You can enrol for this course by picking a theme of your choice during the enrolment procedure in uSis. The maximum number of students per seminar group is 25. Some of the themes will be offered more than once. If the theme of your first choice is fully booked, you will have to choose another seminar group. Please note that you will have to enrol for the lecture separately (see the e-prospectus for more information).

Courses changing title
Since we believe that the title of a course should reflect its content, we changed a number of titles of courses. The title of the first year course called “Economics” will change to “Principles of Economics, while “Configuring the World” will become “Foundations of Political Economy”. Two second year courses will change titles as well. The course “International Economy” becomes “Global Political Economy” and International Politics becomes “International Relations.

Discretionary space (Elective credits) and Thematic seminars
In order to adapt to university wide terminology, the 30 credits we used to call “Discretionary Space” becomes “Elective credits”; the courses we used to call “Electives” become “Thematic seminars”. This concerns both the above mentioned new course on research methods in the 1st semester, and the seminars in the 2nd semester of the 2nd year. Both courses share the seminar style organization (with groups to a maximum of 25 students) and the fact that students choose a theme when they enrol. They also share the emphasis on doing research: the theme or topic of the thematic seminar is the vehicle to learn about doing research and writing a paper.

Since the changes to the programme are implemented in phases, we decided to keep the name “Electives” for the 3rd year seminars. The academic year 2018/19 will be the last year in which these courses are offered in the 3rd year.

Requirements for the thesis seminar
To enrol for a thesis seminar, students have to have successfully completed one of the seminar style courses: one of the old electives, or one of the new thematic seminars. Moreover, and this is new, students are required to have earned 100 credits during the first two years of the programme.

If you have questions about enrolment you can always visit our Student Information Desk. For questions about your study plan or other study advice, please contact our coordinators of studies.





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