Buy your tickets now for TEDx Leiden University (on May 12)
On May 12 (13.00 – 19:00), the second edition of TEDx Leiden University, organised by Leiden University students will take place. Ticket sales have started, so get them while they are still available!
About the event
The location will be Scheltema in Leiden. The theme of this year’s event is “through a new lens”. The students have been working hard and have organised an event boasting: four sessions of inspirational talks by eight amazing speakers, with complimentary coffee/snack breaks for you to mingle with speakers and fellow attendees; an end-of-day borrel to wrap up an incredible day (your first drink is on the house!) with live jazz music. Find out more about the programme on the website.
Tickets will be on sale from the 17th of April onwards, and will go for €35. Ticket sales will go exclusively through the website www.tedxleidenuniversity.com. Get them while you can! Last year’s tickets were sold out within a couple of hours.