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Wanted: Social Media Genius

The Alumni Association is looking for a Social Media Officer to boost our online presence! Do you have extra time during the lockdown and are looking for something meaningful to do in the evenings? This is your opportunity to give back to the BAIS alumni community.

No need to send your CV or cover letter. The only thing we ask you to do is to send us a link to your Instagram profile (if you have one) and answer these two questions very briefly:

1. Do you have experience in managing social media accounts and/or creating a social media strategy for an organisation/company? If yes, please send a screenshot of a social media post that you have created. If no, that’s fine, please contact us anyway. We are more interested in hearing your ideas than your past accomplishments.

2. What idea(s) do you have for improving our social media presence? Discuss in 2-3 sentences at least one idea you have for building a better social media presence for the alumni association. Your idea could be about Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.

Please send your answers and the link to your Instagram profile (if applicable) to baisalumniassociation@gmail.com

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