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Meet the students on the Programme Board

The Programme Board International Studies is a very important body, as it is responsible for the teaching programme, i.e. for designing and implementing the teaching programme. The Board comprises of: the Programme Chair (Giles Scott-Smith), the Programme Manager (Jaap Kamphuis), and two students from International Studies. Who are this year’s students of the Programme Board, taking care of your wishes? They will introduce themselves here.

Hello! My name is Obaida Al-Assbahi, and together with Bhumika Gupta, we form the Student Representative body of the International Studies Programme Board 2020-2021 here at Leiden University. As Student Representatives we are looking forward to engage with your ideas, thoughts, and visions for the programme and discuss them monthly within our programme board. Although we are currently taking our third year’s minor at other faculties, we will nonetheless stay involved within the International Studies programme. We will try our best to optimize your experience here within the programme, whether you pursue your studies from home or on our university campus in the Hague. You are always welcome to reach out to us via u-mail (o.al-assbahi@umail.leidenuniv.nl / b.gupta@umail.leidenuniv.nl) and on social media!

Obaida Al-Assbahi

Hey everyone! I am Bhumika Gupta, third year student of International Studies. I’m currently doing a minor at Leiden University and am writing my thesis. For the year 2020-2021, I am student member of the Programme Board for International Studies. Being on the board, I want to ensure that any and all problems faced by you are brought up to the Programme Board and taken care of. Further, I hope that I can do a good job and make your student experience as smooth as possible, especially in the times of COVID-19. We hope to help create a strong student community as well. For any questions or queries you might have, you can always contact Obaida or me. I will be putting out monthly posts on Facebook and in Whatsapp groups asking about issues, and you can contact either of us anytime through Facebook or Whatsapp.

Bhumika Gupta
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