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Meet Rose Rorije

Meet Rose Rorije - career advisor and internship coordinator - and together with Atse Fokkens she takes care of the career service for International Studies. That means, she gives you a hand in checking what your options are right now when looking for an interesting job after graduation. She can also help you with searching and applying for an internship. And how to arrange it according to the faculty’s procedure. In this mini interview she'll tell a bit more about herself:

Rose Rorije

Who are you, and what thrills you most?

I’m Rose, 28 years old, and since last year I work at the Humanities Career Service. I’m from a small little town in the far far east of the Netherlands, Twello. A year after I was graduated from the University of Twente with my bachelor's Educational Science, I went to Asia with a great idea: to travel and work as a digital nomad. Travelling solo and volunteering was amazing and gave my personal growth an incredible boost. Though the working part was not that successful. A combination of freestyling and “fake it till ya make it”, did work out for a few months but brought me back to the Netherlands after half a year. Three years ago I decided to move to The Hague for my former job as programme manager in learning and development at Maandag®.

I absolutely love to travel: meet new people, enjoy the beauty of nature do crazy things you wouldn’t do outside vacation. Ziplining, caving, canyoning, motor cycling through Vietnam, you name it. So corona made me to find creative new ways to get thrilled, so I went skydiving above Texel. Pretty cool!

What do you do on a normal working day?

Naturally, everyday is different. I see students online for one-on-ones. Throughout the day I meet with several colleagues from my team and from other faculties, to determine how to improve our services for every student or to co-organize career events like the Online Career Week. Furthermore, I offer workshops in which we discuss ways to convince the reader with your CV and application letter that leads to an invitation for an interview, for instance. I provide internship plans with feedback to let them match the programme’s conditions so that future interns can hopefully start their internship soon.

So, a very diverse job. Never a dull moment, I really enjoy it!

With what questions can students come to you for help?

From “Help! I have no clue what to do” to “Yes, I’m invited for an interview. How to prepare best?”. I guess the most common question is: what can I do after my studies? Little sneak preview: you see alumni ending up really everywhere. So your options are much broader than you would probably think. I also discuss strategies that can be helpful when looking for vacancies and I can help you out with your LinkedIn profile.

These are just a few of many, so don’t hesitate if you find yourself with any sort of question that has to do with your internship or career orientation.

What is something about you, that most people wouldn't expect?

I guess people wouldn’t expect me to be a daily meditator. I wouldn't say I'd be the Dalai Lama yet, but still enough to experience the wonderful impact.

If you haven’t tried it before, I would really recommend anyone to practice, even if only for 10 minutes. Starting my day mindfully, really helps me having an open, relaxed and positive attitude for the rest of the day. I’m convinced that that improves me personally and professionally. 

Oh and cats of course, huge fan. No workshop without a cat meme.

Check the student website for more information on the Career Service and finding and arranging internships. 

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