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13 September - Go to the Opening of International Studies' Academic Year!

The International Studies programme would like to invite you to the Opening Lecture of the Academic Year 2019-2020 by Prof. Eric Kaufmann.  You can register through the link displayed on the right hand side of this page!


15.15   Walk in
15.30   Welcome by the Chair      - Dr Joost Augusteijn
15.45   Opening Lecture                - Prof. Eric Kaufmann (University of London)
16.25   Q&A                                      - moderated by Dr Stefano Bellucci
16.45   Closing
17.00   First year ceremony*
17.00   Drinks

* More information about the First Year Ceremony can be found here.

About the opening lecture

Whiteshift: Majority Ethnicity, Population Change and the Populist Moment

In order to grasp the rise of national populism in the West, we need to understand white majority ethnicity in relation to population shifts and ideology. Populist right support is largely a product of concern over immigration rather than feeling economically ‘left behind’, I argue. Immigration from culturally distinct parts of the world prompts a response from voters with a conservative and order-seeking psychological profile. Ideology also is important: if there is a strong progressive ethos in the elite political culture, this can dampen populism initially, but, after a tipping point, creates space for right-wing populism to emerge. Immigration is closely connected to populist voting because it psychologically unsettles conservative members of ethnic majorities, as well as nonwhites who are attached to a traditional version of national identity. I outline four majority responses to ethnic change – fight, repress, flee and join – and suggest that western societies will acquire mixed-race majorities next century. In order to undercut the appeal of populism, societies must offer a positive vision (what I term ‘inclusive majorities within inclusive nations’) to conservative whites rather than stigmatizing them.

Prof. Eric Kaufmann

Prof. Eric Kaufmann

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