Home Affairs minister proposes drastic reforms to electoral system
image: Arnoud Jaegers via Unsplash
Minister Judith Uitermark proposes that 125 seats will become electable through provincial electoral lists and only 25 seats through a national electoral list, according to Dutch RTL news. Wim Voermans, Professor of Constitutional Law, comments on the plan.
The intended goal of the reform is to have members from the regions in the House of Representatives who have ties to a particular region. This would strengthen the bond between citizens and elected representatives. Under the plan, there will be 12 constituencies covering each province, with the number of seats being determined in proportion to its population.
Voermans believes that ‘a greater role for voices from the regions is a good idea’. However, the professor feels that electing so many candidates in regional blocs carries a risk. The Randstad alone, covering the four main cities in the Netherlands, will contain 57 seats. To what extent will the Randstad still feel connected to the few seats in a smaller region if regional blocs are created. The national element is also difficult to sustain, according to Voermans, ‘if you cannot stand as a national candidate either’.
Minister Uitermark's proposal will be discussed further within the coalition and parliament in the coming period. If the plan is adopted, the minister hopes that the new electoral system will be implemented in the next national elections.
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