Universiteit Leiden

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Which Dutch political party gets which ministerial position?

Now that the new Dutch government's plans are set out on paper, the chess game begins for cabinet formation leader Richard van Zwol. He has to make the next move and put together the ministerial team. But how do you know if you’ve made the right move with the right chess piece? And who is a suitable candidate for Prime Minister of the Netherlands?

On Dutch talk show Op1, Wim Voermans, Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law, explains which qualities you need to have to be a successful cabinet minister and Prime Minister. He also discusses how the process can take a completely different turn and the risks involved in entering a new cabinet.

The exact lineup will be announced in five weeks' time, when the traditional cabinet photo call will take place at Noordeinde Palace.

More information

Watch the full Op1 episode (in Dutch)

Photo: Lou Levit through Unsplash

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