Deepfake video enforcement is a problem: ‘You can't ban all porn videos.’
Many deepfake porn videos are going around appearing to feature popular Dutch presenters, actors and politicians. These videos are banned, and yet they’re still being circulated. Dirk Visser, Professor of Intellectual Property Law, explains why: ‘There are enough rules telling us that deepfakes aren’t allowed – the issue is how to enforce those rules.’
Professor Visser tells daily Protestant newspaper Reformatorisch Dagblad that prevention is difficult: ‘Pretty much the only way to do it is by banning all porn videos. But lots of people feel that’s taking it too far.’ Filtering videos isn’t a viable option either – because where do we draw the line? ‘Are we going to start monitoring personal clouds, as well as all email traffic?’
So what’s the solution? Visser says tougher constraints need to be imposed on intermediaries such as internet service providers and websites supplying the videos. ‘They would have to start monitoring everything that’s uploaded. And that would have to happen on a global scale – otherwise it would make no sense.’
More information
Read the full article (in Dutch) on the Reformatorisch Dagblad website.
Photo through Unsplash