The PVV as the governing party: how responsible is that?
For Dutch politician Pieter Omtzigt, the PVV’s unconstitutional party manifesto remains a stumbling block to form a coalition. Referring to a study conducted by Wim Voermans, Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Marc Chavannes sets out the options on Dutch news website De Correspondent.

In his analysis entitled Rechtsstatelijke doorrekening PVV programma [in Dutch, meaning ‘Legal analysis of the PVV manifesto’], Voermans sets out which aspects of Wilders’ and the PVV’s manifesto could conflict with the Dutch Constitution, EU treaties and laws (regulations and directives) and European and international treaties.
Writing for De Correspondent, Chavannes argues that it would only be feasible to form a government once Wilders retracts his statements and unconstitutional manifesto. Imposing sanctions for breaching this agreement could be the solution.
More information
Read the full article in De Correspondent
Photographer: Hansjörg Keller through Unsplash