How far does the right to demonstrate go?
A civil servant employed by the municipality of The Hague was cause for discussion after taking part in an Extinction Rebellion protest. Only under additional conditions could the employee in question stay on at the municipality. She decided to resign. According to Barend Barentsen, Professor of Labour Law, commented on the right of civil servants to demonstrate.

The legal criterion is actually whether the protest unduly interferes with your performance at work or that of the employer. In Dutch newspaper Trouw, Barentsen asks what constitutes interference? The law is not stricter for civil servants. Barentsen adds however: 'A person working for the government is aware of the image of their “boss” more quickly.' After all, the government deals with a wide range of issues, and demonstrations are often aimed at influencing government policy. The further you move away from the policy area where you are working, the less it affects your functioning. Then it really is a private matter.'
Find out more?
Read the full article (in Dutch) in Trouw (€).