Brechtje Paijmans is 'Mr.' of the week
Since 1 November 2022, Brechtje Paijmans is endowed professor of Conflict Resolution and Legal Protection in Education. Dutch trade journal Mr. interviewed her about her appointment.

Paijmans says in Mr. that she has a clear plan for the start of her new position. 'First of all, I’d like to enter into discussions with the various parties in the field of education to identify where they experience bottlenecks in relation to resolving conflicts, dispute resolution and legal protection. At the same time, I’d like to bring authors together to jointly create a manual on procedural law in education. As far as I’m concerned, this is a lacuna in the – already sparse – literature in the field of education law.'
Lawyers see only the tip of the iceberg of the various conflicts in schools, says Paijmans. 'Probably only the conflicts (or consequences of these) that are serious enough to proceed to a complaint, liability claim, objection/appeal or proceedings. That does not mean, however, that those conflicts also dominate in terms of quantity, so it is a difficult issue. In any case, the scope of educational institutions' duty of care is often fought over in proceedings, on all sorts of fronts.'
Read the full interview (in Dutch) with Brechtje Paijmans in Mr.